The Question
A friend of mine recently asked about
artificial sweeteners. Are they safe? Do they have any environmental
impact? Which, if any, should I use?
The Answer
Short answer: Eat real food, use honey as a sweetener, train yourself to prefer less sugary food.
Long answer:The fact is
that we don't really know if artificial sweeteners are safe or not. Just
because they are allowed on the US food market now, does not mean they
are not harmful to consume. The US Government assumes that if there is
no proof that it hurts consumers then it must be safe. Unfortunately,
there have been many cases where something once thought benign turned
out to be toxic after many, many people had suffered (e.g., cigarettes,
chemicals in hair spray, BPA in plastic).
Let's keep in mind that not all countries treat
their citizens like guinea pigs. For example, in the European Union,
they follow the Precautionary Principle. If there is a reasonable
assessment that some new product could be dangerous, then it is up to
the industry to prove that it is safe. Of course, this decision is
weighed against other considerations, such as, is there a viable
alternative (e.g., some new medical procedures or medicines carry great
risk, but there is no current alternative, so the procedure or medicine
is approved).
So the question is, is there a reasonable assessment
that sweeteners are risky to consume? And if so, is there a viable
Understanding how artificial sweeteners
work and are made is the first step to evaluating the risk of consuming
them. First, it is important to know that sugar is very inefficient at
delivering the perception of sweetness to our taste buds. Artificial
sweeteners have the same calorie content as sugar or honey, but because
they are so efficient at delivering the perception of sweetness, only a
tiny amount is needed to get the same level of perceived sweetness as in
sugar. Most of the powder in a packet of sweetener is actually just
filler, like sand, so that the sweetener can be measured out.
Yeah, that's right, sand. Look for it on the label as
"silica". But, honestly, that is probably the safest part of what you
are consuming.
So, how do they get such an
efficient perception of sweetness out of such a small amount of
material? For every sweetener on the market, with the exception of
stevia, it means chemically processing some existing sweet thing (like
sugar) so as to strip off the part that has the calories. Because these
chemicals are used as part of the "process" they do not need to be
labeled as ingredients, but there are residues in the food. For example,
some estimates put the arsenic in Splenda to be about 2% of volume.
Keep in mind that arsenic is a bioaccumulator. That means it builds up
in the body over time. Scary!
What was that you said about stevia? Right. So,
stevia is the only sweetener currently available on the mass market that
is made through a physical process rather than a chemical process. It
starts as a plant that grows in South America; the leaves get harvested
and dried, then soaked in water to extract the part responsible for
sweetness. The processing sort of reminds me of how we get caffeine out
of tea leaves or coffee beans. Overall, pretty harmless.
BUT (you could feel the "but" coming, couldn't
you?), there is still reason to be cautious. Some people
(including nutritionists, doctors, and scientists) are concerned
about what the fake sweets are doing to our bodies. Keep in mind that
our bodies evolved for thousands of years only knowing sweetness as
fruit and honey, and knowing that there would be calories and essential
vitamins and minerals in those foods. Scientists are now studying how
the body reacts when it perceives sweetness but then does not get the
associated calories and nutrients. So far, the results are still out --
not enough evidence has amounted one way or the other.
So what does that leave us with? In my opinion, the
healthiest thing you could do is just eat real food. No soda, no
candy, no pastries, no meal-replacement bars... not with sugar, corn
syrup, or artificial sweeteners. If you want something sweet, eat fruit
or add a little honey. You can train your body not to like overly sweet
things (same is true for salty things). It might be hard at first, but
you will be healthier in the long run for it.
If you want to read more about which foods to eat
and not eat, I highly recommend In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan.
It is very easy to read, but very well researched and presented. It
gives clear advice on what to eat and why.
And if you're in doubt, ask your personal green expert.